Çamçeşme Mahallesi, Tersane Caddesi No:15 Pendik 34899 İstanbul
Company Title: Garanti Finansal Kiralama A.Ş.
: 269116
Kep Address:
Mersis No: 0389000634800012
Hosting Provider: Garanti Bilişim Teknolojisi ve Ticaret A.Ş.
Hosting Provider Email Address:
Hosting Provider Website:
Address of the Center: Çamçeşme Mahallesi, Tersane Caddesi No:15 Pendik 34899 İstanbul
All kinds of joint stock companies, limited liability companies, sole proprietorships, partnerships, self-employed persons (all kinds of persons and organizations authorized to take legal action) and commercial enterprises can benefit from all the conveniences and advantages by choosing leasing in their investments.
Provided that the investment sub-amount is met, investments included in the incentive certificate are included in the leasing, and the advantages and exemptions within the scope of the incentive are utilized.
All costs that may occur are included in the payment plan, depending on the customer's request.
You can make your leasing payments in Turkish Lira or in USD or EUR by taking advantage of the exceptions in the Law No. 32
Yes, you can. Even if you are not a bank customer, we help you with your leasing requests.
No, it will be not affected. A limit is provided independent of your limits in the bank.
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No, leasing payments cannot be used as an expense. Only the interest portion is shown as an expense.