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Born in Istanbul, 1970. Graduated from the Bilkent University – Banking and Finance. Completing his high school education in Saint - Benoit High School, Toksöz started his proffessional career as an associate in Garanti Bank Treasury Department in 1997. He then continued in the same unit as “Sales Management Supervisor” in 1999. He moved to Garanti BBVA Leasing as Treasure Transactions Supervisor in 2001 and continued his career as Treasure Unit Head (SVP) between 2003 and 2007. He was lastly appointed as the Executive Vice President to Garanti BBVA Leasing in 2007.
After graduating from Istanbul University – Faculty of Law started working in Garanti BBVA Leasing as a lawyer in 1995. He was appointed as chamber counselor in 1998, as vice consultant in 2002 and as legal counselor in 2003. Since 2008 he is serving as the Executive Vice President of the company.
Mr. Gülbahçe holds a business management degree from Istanbul University. He started his career as Marketing and Sales Representative in Garanti BBVA Leasing in 2004 and worked in the Eastern Anatolian Regional Office in 2005. In 2006, he served as Çukurova Regional Manager and as Marmara and Western Anatolia Regional Manager in 2008. In 2014, he was named Marketing and Sales Department Manager. As of April 2019, he serves as Executive Vice President responsible for Marketing and Sales.
She graduated from the Faculty of Business Administration at Istanbul University and completed her master’s degree in the Banking and Finance Department at Bilgi University. She began his career as a Credit Evaluation Officer at Yapi and Kredi A.S. and joined the Garanti BBVA family in 2008, working as a Credit Evaluation Manager in the Commercial and Corporate Loans Department. From December 2014 to April 2024, she continued her role as a the Commercial Loans Manager in the Commercial Loans Department. In April 2024, she was appointed as the Executive Vice President responsible for Credit and Asset Management at Garanti BBVA Leasing.
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Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü lisans, Carnegie Mellon Üniversitesi İşletme bölümü yüksek lisans mezunu olan Mahmut Akten, iş yaşamına 1999 yılında ABD’de başladı. Global bir inşaat şirketinin Finans ve Hazine bölümlerinde çeşitli pozisyonlarda görev aldıktan sonra, 2006 yılında global bir danışmanlık şirketine katıldı. 2006-2012 yılları arasında Boston ve İstanbul ofislerinde ve en son Yardımcı Ortak pozisyonunda görev yaptıktan sonra, 1 Temmuz 2012 tarihinde Bireysel Kitle Bankacılığından sorumlu Birim Müdürü olarak Garanti BBVA’ya katıldı. 17 Ocak 2017 tarihinde Bireysel Bankacılık’tan sorumlu Genel Müdür Yardımcısı olarak atanan Akten, Bireysel Bankacılık Pazarlama, Kitle Bankacılığı Pazarlama, Özel Bankacılık, Tüketici ve Konut Finansmanları alanlarından sorumlu olarak görev aldı. Aynı zamanda, Garanti BBVA Romanya, Garanti BBVA Yatırım, Garanti BBVA Emeklilik ve Hayat’ta Yönetim Kurulu Üyesidir. 1 Haziran 2022 itibarı ile yeni görevine atanması ile Kurumsal Bankacılık, Global Piyasalar, Nakit Yönetimi ve Finansal Kurumlar, Kurumsal ve Yatırım Bankacılığı Strateji, Analiz ve Koordinasyon, Yatırım Bankacılığı ve Finansmanı ve Sürdürülebilir Finans alanlarından sorumludur. 30 Haziran 2022 de Garanti BBVA Leasing Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi olarakta seçilen Mahmut Akten, Bankacılık ve işletmecilik dallarında 23 yıllık bir iş tecrübesine sahiptir.
Murat Atay, graduated from Middle East Technical University Department of Political Science and Public Administration, earned his master’s degree in in Accounting from Yeditepe University, and holds a doctoral degree in Banking and Finance from Istanbul Okan University. Starting his career as a corporate and credit analyst at Garanti BBVA, he worked as a Corporate Branch Manager between 2000-2009, and as the General Manager of Garanti BBVA Romania between 2009-2012. During this time he also served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Motoractive, Ralfi and Domenia companies. After having served as the General Manager of Garanti BBVA Mortgage between 2021-2020, as of January 2021, he was appointed as Chief Credit Risk Officer. With 27 years of experience in banking and business administration, Mr. Atay’s areas of responsibility are Wholesale Risk, Retail Risk, Corporate & Commercial Loans Restructuring; Risk Planning, Monitoring and Reporting; Risk Analytics, Technology and Innovation; Regional Loans Coordination.
Born in Rize in 1969, Mr. Turgut holds a degree in economics from Marmara University (1990). He joined Garanti Bank as assistant auditor and served as Branch Manager, Deputy Chairman of the Audit Board, Commercial Loans Department Manager, Internal Control Center Manager, and Internal Audit and Control Chairman. He is still Chairman of the Audit Board in Garanti Bank. Mr. Turgut is also member of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee of Garanti BBVA Leasing and Garanti Fleet; Board of Directors and Corporate Management Committee Member of Garanti Factoring; Board of Directors Member of Garanti Bank Pension and Assistance Foundation and Garanti Culture; Audit Committee Member of Garanti BBVA Leasing SA and Garanti Consumer Finance SA.
Having obtained a public administration degree from Middle East Technical University, Cemal Onaran began his career in Garanti Bank as assistant auditor in the Audit Board of Garanti Bank the year of his graduation. Between 2000 and 2007, he served as Regional Manager in various regional offices of Garanti Bank in Istanbul. In October 2007, he was appointed as General Manager of Garanti Mortgage, the year it was founded. On August 1, 2012, he was named General Manager of Garanti Pension and Life. As of January 1, 2017, he has been serving as Executive Vice President of SME Banking in Garanti Bank. Mr. Onaran has 26 years of professional experience in banking and business management.
Holding a mechanical engineering degree from Istanbul Technical University, Aydın Güler began his career in Garanti Bank in the Fund Management Department. Having served in various Head Office departments for 10 years, he was named Department Manager in Risk Management and Management Reporting in 2000. Between 2001 and 2013, Mr. Güler served as Department Manager in Financial Planning & Analysis Management, and was later named Coordinator in 2013. On December 21, 2015, he was named Executive Vice President responsible for Finance and General Accounting. He is also a Board Member of Garanti Bank Civil Servants and Workers Pension and Assistance Foundation. With 26 years of experience in banking and business management, Mr. Güler is responsible for Assets/ Liabilities Management, Financial Planning and Analysis, Expense Management and Efficiency, Investor Relations, General Accounting, Consolidation and International Accounting, Taxation Management and BBVA Finance Coordination.
Sibel Kaya has a bachelor’s degree from Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, department of City and Regional Planning. She started her career in Garanti BBVA, as a Management Trainee, in 1997. She held various positions in Commercial Banking Department between 1998-2005, served as Branch Manager and Commercial Branch Manager in various branches between 2005-2016, worked as the Regional Manager in Aegean Region between 2016-2018. After having served as the Human Resources Director between 2018-2021, as of February 2021, she was appointed as Executive Vice President of Garanti BBVA in charge of SME Banking. With 23 years of experience in banking and business administration, Mrs. Kaya’s areas of responsibility are SME Medium & Large Enterprise Banking and SME Small Enterprise Banking Marketing. As of April 2021 Sibel Kaya is a board member of Garanti BBVA Leasing.
Having obtained a public administration degree from Middle Eastern Technical University in 1990, Mr. Güldü began office as Assistant Auditor in the Audit Board of Garanti Bank the same year. Between 1997 and 1999, he served as Branch Manager. Between 1999 and 2018, he served as Regional Manager in various offices of the bank in Istanbul. With 28 years of experience in the banking sector, Selahattin Güldü has been responsible for Commercial Banking and Consumer Finance as of April 1, 2018. As of April 2021, he has been General Manager of Garanti BBVA Leasing and he also serves on the Board of Directors.
All kinds of joint stock companies, limited liability companies, sole proprietorships, partnerships, self-employed persons (all kinds of persons and organizations authorized to take legal action) and commercial enterprises can benefit from all the conveniences and advantages by choosing leasing in their investments.
Provided that the investment sub-amount is met, investments included in the incentive certificate are included in the leasing, and the advantages and exemptions within the scope of the incentive are utilized.
All costs that may occur are included in the payment plan, depending on the customer's request.
You can make your leasing payments in Turkish Lira or in USD or EUR by taking advantage of the exceptions in the Law No. 32
Yes, you can. Even if you are not a bank customer, we help you with your leasing requests.
No, it will be not affected. A limit is provided independent of your limits in the bank.
To see the equipment with 1% VAT please click.
No, leasing payments cannot be used as an expense. Only the interest portion is shown as an expense.